
Diagnosis and management of:

Asthma:     Asthma is a common disease that affects more than 22 million Americans, including 6.5 million children. It occurs when the linings of lung airways become inflamed and swollen and muscle spasms block airflow to the lungs. Although the exact cause of asthma is not known, many treatments are available to control the disease.

Allergic Rhinitis:  Known to most people as hay fever, this is a common condition that affects more than 30 million children and adults. There are two forms of Alerlgic Rhinitis: 

Seasonal: Symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis occur in spring, summer and/or early fall. They are usually caused by allergic sensitivity to pollens from trees, grasses or weeds, or to airborne mold spores. 

 Perennial: People with perennial allergic rhinitis experience symptoms year-round. It is generally caused by sensitivity to house dust mites, animal dander, cockroaches and/or mold spores. Underlying or hidden food allergies rarely cause perennial nasal symptoms.

  Medical management of Sinus disease :   Sinusitis is inflammation or infection of any of the four groups of sinus cavities in the skull, which open into the nasal passages. Sinusitis is not the same as rhinitis, although the two may be associated, and their symptoms may be similar. The terms "sinus trouble" or "sinus congestion" are sometimes wrongly used to mean congestion of the nasal passage.

Urticaria, Hives: Urticaria is another term for “hives.” The condition affects an estimated 20 percent of the population at one time or another in their lives. An episode of hives can start as itching, followed by swollen, red welts.  An episode of hives may last from a few minutes to several hours to several days to several weeks. Each individual welt should last no more than 24 hours.

Food Allergy:  Food allergies occur most often in babies and children but can appear at any age. Foods that you have eaten for years without problems can cause allergies.An allergy occurs when something causes your body’s natural defenses to overreact. Some 40-50 million Americans have an allergy of some kind, but food allergies are rare. Up to 4 percent of adults have food allergies. The most common symptoms of food allergies are   hives (itchy, red blotches on the skin) and eczema (an itchy, oozy, rash) and Intestinal problems:  vomiting, nausea, stomach cramps, indigestion and diarrhea.

Atopic dermatitis, eczema:  Commonly known as eczema, this condition generally starts during childhood. common   affected areas are in front of the elbows, behind the knees, cheeks, behind the neck.  Red and itchy rash  is the most common symptom.  Rash comes and goes and may get worse after eating certain foods.

Chronic cough:  Although common cold is the most common cause of cough but allergies, chronic sinus disease and asthma could be causing chronic cough as well.  In some patients GERD  causes the cough. 

Post Nasal Drip:  This is a condition characterized by excessive mucus  in the throat.  Allergies are the most common cause of this condition. Other causes include sinus problems, GERD or swallowing disorder.  Symptoms include constant clearing of the throat,  hoarseness of voice, recurrent sore throat, cough, ticklish throat, jsut to name a few

Nasal and sinus Polyps:  When the mucus membrane in the nose and or the sinus cavities overgrows it forms these grape like masses ( non cancerous)  that are freely movable and not painful.  They are very common in patients with allergic rhinitis and sinus problems.  They are also seen in patients with Aspirin Allergy. It is important to rule out allergies to environmental allergens.

Recurrent Bronchitis:  In an individual who does not smoke and is not around smokers and has no other resonable explanation of repeated bouts of bronchitis,  Asthma could be an important underlying disease.  Allergy evaluation in addition to Pulmonary Function testing would help in determining if that is the case.

Recurrent Sore Throat:  Most common casue of recurrent sore throat is a viral infection. Some patients may have bacterial infection as a cause of recurrent sore throat.  When sore throat occurs frequently without fever and lasts for weveral days or weeks and does not respond to the usual mangement for sore throat, it is important to ruleout Allergies as a cause of this condition.

Allergy Shots 
    Allergy shots consist of gradually increasing doses of what you are allergic to until you reach a final dose which is called maintenance dose ( this may vary for different patients ).  Allergy shots make up an important  component of overall management of allergies.  Several studies have shown  that  allergy  patients   who take allergy shots not only have better quality of life, they also manage their condition at an overall lower cost.  Important links regarding allergy shots:


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